What Does a Laser Hair Removal Burn Look Like? - A Comprehensive Guide

A laser hair removal burn can be a frightening experience. It is usually red, blistered, swollen, and shaped like the tip of the laser applicator device. Discoloration is normal after laser hair removal and usually fades away in about a week. In some cases, marks may form on affected areas.

These marks are known as post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and are not scars, but dark spots that follow the procedure. It is important to note that a quality IPL hair removal device should not cause burn marks. If you suspect you have suffered a laser burn during a hair removal procedure, it is essential to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Many people who suffer burns from laser hair removal may be entitled to free private treatment that could help speed up recovery. To reduce the risk of getting burned by laser hair removal, it is essential to go to an accredited beauty salon that offers the procedure and make sure that the technician has enough experience to use a laser device.

It is also important to start with a lower-energy fit on the neck, face, and bikini area when using an IPL laser removal device for the first time. If you do suffer a laser hair removal burn, it can take a long time to heal. The main goal is to prevent any scarring. A first-degree laser burn is called a “superficial burn”, which usually negatively affects the top layer of skin after a hair removal procedure. In this article, we will discuss what a laser hair removal burn looks like, how to reduce the risk of getting burned by laser hair removal, and what to do if you do suffer a burn from laser hair removal.

What Does a Laser Hair Removal Burn Look Like?

A laser hair removal burn typically appears red, blistered, swollen, and shaped like the tip of the laser applicator device. Discoloration is normal after laser hair removal, and usually fades away in about a week.

These marks are known as post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and are not scars but dark spots that follow the procedure.

How to Reduce the Risk of Getting Burned by Laser Hair Removal

To reduce the risk of getting burned by laser hair removal, it is important to go to an accredited beauty salon that offers the procedure and make sure that the technician has enough experience to use a laser device. It is also important to start with a lower-energy fit on the neck, face, and bikini area when using an IPL laser removal device for the first time.

What To Do If You Suffer a Laser Hair Removal Burn

If you do suffer a laser hair removal burn, it can take a long time to heal. A first-degree laser burn is called a “superficial burn”, which usually negatively affects the top layer of skin after a hair removal procedure. If you suspect you have suffered a laser burn during a hair removal procedure, it is essential to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Many people who suffer burns from laser hair removal may be entitled to free private treatment that could help speed up recovery.


Hopefully, this article has eased your anxiety and helped you understand how to combat any burns you may suffer during IPL laser hair removal.

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